2. Sezon sonbahar 1971
  16.   2- 1             16 Eyl 71   The Day They Hanged Kid Curry (90 dk)
  17.   2- 2             23 Eyl 71   How to Rob a Bank in One Hard Lesson
  18.   2- 3             30 Eyl 71   Jailbreak at Junction City
  19.   2- 4              7 Ekm 71   Smiler With a Gun
  20.   2- 5             14 Ekm 71   The Posse That Wouldn't Quit
  21.   2- 6             21 Ekm 71   Something to Get Hung About
  22.   2- 7             28 Ekm 71   Six Strangers at Apache Springs
  23.   2- 8              4 Ksm 71   Night of the Red Dog
  24.   2- 9             11 Ksm 71   The Reformation of Harry Briscoe
  25.   2-10             18 Ksm 71   Dreadful Sorry, Clementine
  26.   2-11              2 Arl 71   Shootout at Diablo Station
  27.   2-12              9 Arl 71   The Bounty Hunter
  28.   2-13             16 Arl 71   Everything Else You Can Steal
  29.   2-14             30 Arl 71   Miracle at Santa Marta
  30.   2-15              6 Ock 72   Twenty One Days to Tenstrike
  31.   2-16             13 Ock 72   The McCreedy Bust- Going, Going, Gone
  32.   2-17             20 Jan 72   The Man Who Broke the Bank at Red Gap
  33.   2-18             27 Jan 72   The Men That Corrupted Hadleyburg
  34.   2-19              3 Feb 72   The Biggest Game in the West
  35.   2-20             10 Feb 72   Which Way to the O.K. Corral?
  36.   2-21             17 Feb 72   Don't Get Mad, Get Even
  37.   2-22             24 Feb 72   What's in it for Mia?
  38.   2-23              2 Mar 72   Bad Night in Big Butte